📢 Nightly is a sleep app that optimizes your sleep with scientifically proven sleep-inducing sound waves.

Optimize Your Sleep with Science


Always Short on Sleep? 😥


Do you always feel sleep deprived?

Let’s admit it: we’ve all experienced finishing up work at 1 AM and having to wake up the same day at 8 AM. With lack of sleep and irregular sleep patterns, we feel tired all the time. If you cannot afford long hours of sleep, it is crucial to make the most out of the sleep you do get.

Here comes Nightly! We’re here to help you sleep better, not just longer.

What is Nightly? 🧐

Optimize Your Sleep Quality

Our patented Layered Monaural Beats, clinically tested and proven, surpass the effectiveness of traditional monaural beats in promoting better sleep.

Tune in to Sleep-inducing Sound Waves

Nightly’s neuroscience-driven AI algorithm tailors these Layered Monaural Beats to each user on a daily basis. Our technology induces sleep 3 times faster than regular brainwave sounds, allowing users to sleep more efficiently.

Check out the neuroscience behind our Monaural Beats here.

Why Choose Nightly? 🤔


Wake up refreshed by 57%

Our Layered Monaural Beats enhance deep sleep by helping you efficiently enter REM sleep. In our experiments, subjects reported a 57% increase in energy upon using our app.


Fall asleep 18 minutes faster

Brainwave entrainment shortens the time it takes to fall asleep. EEG experiments demonstrated that subjects who listen to Nightly’s “Layered Monaural Beats” fall asleep 18 minutes faster.


Increase deep sleep by 56%

In EEG experiments, subjects showed a 56% increase in deep sleep stages S2 and S3. Nightly has secured 9 patents for this unique technology.

How can I get started? 🎟️