Introducing Nightly AI

The Nightly AI model leverages advanced machine learning to recommend Monaural Beats precisely tailored to individual user profiles. Upon conducting a thorough analysis of critical factors such as stress levels, sleep environment, and pre-sleep activities, our algorithms meticulously match user inputs with an extensive database of Monaural Beats combinations. This ensures the provision of highly customized suggestions that align perfectly with each user's unique requirements.

Our objective is to deliver a personalized sleep experience, grounded in rigorous scientific research and enriched by valuable user feedback.

How It Works


The Nightly AI model enhances your sleep quality through a four-step process designed to cater to your individual needs.

  1. Initialization: Begin by sharing your current emotional state and pre-sleep activities with Nightly. Your input forms the basis of the customization process.
  2. Classification: Utilizing sophisticated algorithms, Nightly accurately identifies the most optimal group or "cluster" of Monaural Beats that aligns with your provided details. This classification is critical for tailoring Monaural Beats to your specific needs.
  3. Personalization: Based on the identified cluster, Nightly generates personalized Monaural Beats. These specially crafted sounds are engineered to facilitate a deeper, more restorative sleep.
  4. Iteration: After tuning in to the Monaural Beats, you are invited to rate your sleep quality. Your feedback is crucial in helping the model continuously refine its predictions and recommendations so that you get a good night’s sleep.

Nightly is designed not only to improve your immediate sleep experience but also to ensure long-term improvements in your sleep quality, contributing to a happier, healthier life.

Privacy Notice

The Nightly AI model used in Nightly is steadfast in its commitment to the paramount importance of user data privacy and security. We adhere to stringent practices, ensuring that all information provided by users is meticulously de-identified to maintain anonymity and safeguard confidentiality. All collected data, utilized for personalizing sleep sound recommendations, is securely stored in Google Firestore. This platform is renowned for its reliability and robust security measures. Our dedication to data privacy is further underscored by our adherence to industry-leading practices in data management. This includes conducting regular audits, implementing advanced encryption techniques for data both in transit and at rest, and rigorously following global data protection regulations. With these measures, we aim to build a trusted app, enabling our users to benefit from personalized experiences with the utmost confidence in the protection of their data.