For Those Who Cannot Prioritize Sleep

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Living life to the fullest

Keeping up with assignments, exams, or tasks, we barely have enough time to sleep. As tempting as it is to go straight to bed, looming deadlines make us stay up and sacrifice sleep. Frankly, even as we strive for work-life balance, we forgo protecting time for sleep to live life to the fullest. This is why we created Nightly — the sleep miracle for you.

Nightly provides neuroscience-backed, AI-generated sleep sounds that have been proven to help you fall asleep faster, engage in deeper sleep, and wake up with more energy. We are perfect for those who can’t increase their sleep duration but seek to improve their sleep quality. Even with limited hours of sleep, we will help you get the most out of every hour. It’s easy: optimize your sleep to maximize your productivity during the day.

Where the Brand Story Begins


The Nightly team is composed of people who are passionate about solving all sleep-related issues. While working to ease the nights of those with insomnia, we often neglected our own sleep. We are a team of hard-workers, each averaging 14-hour workdays. Leaving work at 2-3 AM, we realized what mattered most was not just sleeping longer, but sleeping better, even if it's for a shorter duration.

"Do more of what you want!"

We are diligently creating this service for everyone whose passion keeps them up until dawn. We want to help ensure that every hour you spend with us are filled with the most restorative sleep. We hope that with Nightly, you can make better use of your early mornings and feel energized throughout your day.

Embark on Your Sleep Journey with Nightly

Make every minute of your sleep count.

Tune in to our Monaural Beats and wake up feeling refreshed!
